Some great news on the inhibitor war!

Shawn took our boys to the HTC on Thursday-- Connor's usual check up and lab work.

I got an e-mail from the HTC Nurse on Friday that she had Connor's new numbers- and to CALL HER. Oh Crap- oh jeez! Steeling myself for the bad news, I jog down the hall way at my work & duck into a closet to call since we can't use our cell phones on the floor...

I give her a call & she answers right away- uh oh, she's waiting on me... ugh.
I tell her it's me, and she launches into the current data- and it's not bad news-- it's actually fantastic!!
Hot Dawg!! Connor is finally getting 76% recovery off his 200% replacement at the 45 minute mark!!! This is astronomically WONDERFUL! And to boot, he also again has an unmeasurable inhibitor level on the BU scale.

It has been over a year since either of these has happened... we may actually be on the right road to beating this thing.

As for the unmeasurable Inhibitor-- all this means is that with current testing methods, there is no way to know exactly how much inhibitor activity there is-- but what little there is, works very efficiently. Connor has no factor left in his system when we check at the 48 hour mark, and 45 minutes after we dose to what should be the 200% level, he only has 76% remaining... it doesn't take much to do the damage.