One up, One down-- and I am cross eyed with need for sleep...

Well, it's another normal night. One boy up and babbling Dadadadadada and getting pissy with me for having him in the pack-n-play and he is tired but fighting it.. One boy is down and has been for about an hour now.. (or is it an hour and a half?) When the one who is awake goes down, it will probably be an hour and then the other one will wake and it will start again...
the joys of motherhood... I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I am really looking forward to getting my sleep back.

Connor has three teeth, he has been having fun trying to keep one or two steps ahead of his Older Twin- Tyin. Tyin has two teeth, and is skating on thin ice where nursing is involved. Those teeth are sharp! Thankfully, he doesn't bite when he is sleeping and wakes to nurse.

Connor is currently pulling himself up and standing for long periods of time... I am trying to not look at him right now, beside me in the pack and play-- if I don't see him, or if he doesn't see me seeing him, he can keep himself entertained....

Tyin is learning to pull up, but thanks to the Hemophilia and an underpadded part of our couch, Tyin now looks like a little Klingon. He bruises so much more than his Little Brother.. it actually made me ask if the doctors had an accurate diagnosis on both boys.

When the swelling on his head goes down, we will be putting both boys in soft helmets indoors until they are more sure on their feet.

Still looking for leads on grantwriting, and still trying to find something I can do from home to bring in the cash... besides tupperware.
I really want to work from home so I can be here for them, I am worried about them and how they are getting older and I am not able to be here to see them discover the world around them... and I am worried about my m-in-law and her ability to take care of them plus a new baby this next month from my s-in-law...
but we need to cover the bills & the mortgage, and I need to have my own pay check as much as possible-- just to know I am not freeloading.

but I am working on it all- and I hope to post something more positive here soon.

1 comment:

Terra said...

Honey, if that is negative then you should bottle and sell it. XoXo

Freelancing for newpapers and HiLights and various magazines can get a little extra coming in ... I know how you feel though, kinda needs to be stable.

ALso, if you are good at resume' writing, people will pay $$$ for a good resume.

Hugs to you.