a little something for a weekend with no children :0)

This is a wonderful drink! It was a SMASH at my wedding, where several partners were suddenly in trouble with their mates....
(it's true, I have it all on video! )
If you don't substitute anything, it is hardly possible to taste the alcohol... and that is just the way I like it.
Just a thought, if you have an icee maker, it would be very nice as a slurpee.

(Click on the title... lol, took me a second to figure that out!)

and yes, This is That Dave Jackson! hehehehe


Terra said...

helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo update much?

he he

Dave Jackson.... ???? Rings a bell?

zaphod ~~ just this guy, you know? said...

Rings a bell?
Clifford Pinkham, Larry Jackson, Dave Jackson.... does this help a bit? *eg*

Terra said...

LJ...he he, Cliffy, tee hee hee.... was Dave a little bubber or big bubber of LJ??

Many bells. Heeeeeee.