Nothing is routine anymore.

Yesterday, we had two little boys in to the infusion clinic so that we could get a blood test done because Tyin has developed antibodies to the factor we give him.. it is called an inhibitor-- and since it runs in the genes too, Connor had to get tested as well. This afternoon, my mom-in-law called me to tell me that Tyin's arm was "puffy" and a bruise was forming where there wasn't one from yesterday to most of today. I came home to take him to the hospital to check the bruising out-- he has been admitted overnight to keep an eye on his arm. Daddy is there with him, which is a comfort to him as well as me-- as I am at home with Connor. (Connor still nurses at night and doesn't do well if I am not here.. Tyin and Daddy have that same very strong bond but minus the nursing.)
They aren't jumping to treat the bleed-- bruising, they are basically wrapping it and checking it every couple of hours to make sure that if it is staying the same, they aren't giving him the medication that is causing the inhibitor-- and if it gets worse, they will treat it with another medication that takes more doses, but isn't ideal for the job at hand- and can cause it's own problems... From what I was told by the doctors while Tyin and I were there- there is even a chance that if it doesn't get worse, they won't treat with factor at all, but let him go home... but for now, our little family is split with them there and us here.
I hate not being able to bring Tyin's brother down there and spend the night together! I understand intellectually the reason for keeping an infant out of a hospital when he is not needing to be there- but it is hard otherwise to understand that we have to keep us apart to protect the one not having the bleeding episode from the germs in the hospital.
It is going to be hard when Tyin goes in for his port surgery... for that same reason.
Tyin is going to be fine- he is still my bouncing baby boy- even with this happening. This is very heartening to the doctors-- it shows that this is not a joint bleed, but instead--- it is a soft tissue bleed. Did I mention that this was from the blood test yesterday??
Well-- I am almost cross-eyed with tiredness, and I need to try and sleep so that I can get up at the Butt Crack of Dawn and go back down to the hospital and bring clothing to Shawn so that he can go to work. Hopefully we can all be home and together tomorrow afternoon. I sleep like crap when I have the bed to myself.

1 comment:

Terra said...

My prayers went out to Tyin (you know what I mean) and that you are all back together soon. It is such a roller coaster isn't it :(

Call me if you want to talk, and make sure you get enough rest too.

Lots of love.